Monday, October 11, 2010

Blog Entry#1: Art Imitating Media Imitating Life

Earlier this year, the popular social networking site, Facebook, put up a new privacy setting allowing many strangers to access your personal information and pictures. By doing this, Facebook could put up more advertisements making them even more money. This new setting scared many people and users started to become more aware of what they put on their profiles. This new privacy setting also made me become more aware of what I put on all of the social networking sites I go on such as Facebook, Twitter, and Friendster. Instead of putting all of the information about myself on these social networking sites, I limit what I put on them. I only include mandatory information like my name, age, e-mail address, and sex. By including these, I can access these social networking sites, but at the same time, unwanted people looking at my profile cannot access all of the information about me. It is every important to limit what information you put onto the internet because there are many strangers and unwanted people that can manipulate the information you put and use it against you. Some examples of what they can do to that information is identity theft, if you put your address, people can stalk, harass or do even more worse things than that.    
            In summary, it is very important not to put personal information about yourself such as your address and full name because there are many people that can access that information and use it against you by finding out where you live and stalk you. 

Monday, September 20, 2010


Hi. My name is Julian Isip and welcome to my blog. :)